Prakendorf; Joh. Hamm, Glasermeister v. Neunburg; Joh. Wutz, Chirurg v. Schwarzhofen; Wolfg. Kagerer, Schuhmacher von Schwarzhofen; Joh. Müller, Bäcker. XIII. Landgerichtsbezirk Neustadt a. d. Waldnab. Alex. Frhr. v. ...
Karl was born Karl Kosiczky on September 21, 1918 in Prakendorf in that portion of Hungary which later became a part of the Czech Republic and later Germany. Karl's six-foot six-inch tall father expected that his only son out of his ...
Karl was born Karl Kosiczky on September 21, 1918 in Prakendorf in that portion of Hungary which later became a part of the Czech Republic and later Germany. Karl's six-foot six-inch tall father expected that his only son out of his ...